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Five-star pre-made cocktails

Five-star pre-made cocktails

Canned Cocktail Review: Ole Smoky Mountain Mule, Mountain 'Rita, and Blackberry Lemonade

" . . . I am soooo impressed with how they carried that heritage over to their canned cocktails. The design of the label makes the can look exactly like a clear jar."
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Canned Cocktail Review: Ole Smoky Moonshine Apple Pie Ginger

" . . . I almost cried I loved it so much. And then I did cry when my can was empty!"
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Canned cocktail review: Social Hour Whiskey Mule and Gin & Tonic

" . . . This is what the ready-to-drink cocktail movement is all about. These are solidly high-end cocktail bar worthy drinks that happen to be in a can."
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Ready-to-drink Cocktail Review: Post Meridiem Old Fashioned and Vodka Gimlet

" . . . I found this explanation on their website and it is too good not to share. This is so close to the meaning of my own brand "The Pursuit of Cocktails" that I instantly fell in love with this idea."
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Canned cocktail review: Post Meridiem Mai Tai & Daiquri

" . . .  I want to note right off that bat that even though these are both rum cocktails, they use entirely different rums which I find very exciting!"
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