It's great to meet you!

Hi, I’m Jaime.

Cocktail lover, girl gang supporter and the curly haired creator behind The Pursuit of Cocktails.

I’m so happy you are here! Let’s settle in for a cocktail and some girl time - aka THE best kind of time.

The Pursuit of Cocktails is more than fun barware. It’s a lifestyle! It is all about those random, awesome, feel-good moments you have with your friends - old and new. You know the ones I mean. That first night in Vegas with all of your best girls, when everyone is super pumped, not yet hungover, and ready to have an epic weekend. Or a happy hour that turns into dinner that turns into closing the place down with a girl friend you’ve been dying to catch up with. It’s those moments where you are really connecting with your friends, all your stress and pretenses have fallen away you are truly enjoying yourself. Those rare moments are the Pursuit of Cocktails.


People ask me all the time how I came up with the name “The Pursuit of Cocktails” and I’m not sure really - but I have a theory. I had been dreaming of rebranding my old business for weeks when one night I guess my brain couldn’t take it anymore. At 3am I grabbed my phone and started brainstorming and landed on this name pretty quickly. I “discovered” it that night but I think I’d been carrying it with me for years, just waiting for the right time to burst into my brain again and demand attention.

You see, several years prior to that night, I was working at one of many lame jobs I’ve had. At this particular job I had taken to blasting Spotify into my earbuds anytime I couldn’t take the BS any longer. And I had a go-to song - it was a cover of Kid Cudi’s Pursuit of Happiness, and it made me feel like I could do anything. And at the same time, it inspired me to savor all the stolen moments of freedom that come from being surrounded by bad ass people that *get* you.

A lot has changed in my life since that job but this song has stayed on my most played list and I want to share it with you. Give it a listen, jam out, dance around the room, rap badly and know that you are on the pursuit of happiness too! Cheers!

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