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Cutwater Margarita canned cocktail review

Posted by Jaime Fowler on

Cutwater Tequila Margarita canned cocktail reviewed by The Pursuit of Cocktails


Hi cocktail lovers! It has been a couple of years since I originally tried the Cutwater cocktails. Now that I've tried 200+ canned cocktails I wanted to revisit the Cutwater margarita and see how it stacks up. I first tried the Cutwater tequila marg in 2018 when they were calling it a lime margarita and I'm secretly hoping they updated the flavor with the name change.

I wasn't a huge fan of this ready-to-drink margarita back then - I only gave it 3 out of 5 cocktail shakers - but I really don't remember much about it. So I'm trying it again and serving up a fresh review of the Cutwater marg. If you want to take a peek at my original review, you can check it out here.

Here is my official review of the Cutwater Tequila Margarita:

3 out of 5 cocktail shakers

I am going to stick to my original 3 out of 5 score. This is a pretty average premade margarita. To me it tastes like a well drink level margarita. It has some flavor, maybe a little kick, but overall it is just nothing to write home about.
I would say this Cutwater Margarita is on par with the big bottles of premixed margaritas that you can pick up at Costco or the grocery store. They aren't bad. They get the job done. They are just not my favorite.
So after trying the Cutwater Tequila Marg again I'm going to pass on this one for two reasons. First, there are other Cutwater canned cocktails in their line that I like so much better than the margarita so if I'm grabbing a Cutwater cocktail, this isn't the one I'm picking. (You can read all of my cocktail reviews for Cutwater Spirits here.) And two, there are so many other really flavorful, interesting, delicious ready-to-drink margaritas that I'd rather have if I'm in the mood for a marg. 



1 out of 5 cocktail shakers

One shaker = not sweet at all  // Five shakers = your teeth may curl

This ready-to-drink margarita is not sweet at all. Some margaritas have a hint of sweetness from the citrus but the Cutwater margarita does not. This one is more tart if anything.


4 out of 5 cocktail shakers
One shaker = does this have booze? Five shakers = OG Four Lokos

Officially this one rings in at 12.5% ABV so it is stronger than a lot of the canned cocktails on the market. I can't say that I got a buzz right off but I'm guessing if you finished the whole can you would catch one.

Would I buy this ready to drink cocktail again?

Nah, I think I'll skip this one in favor of other Cutwater canned cocktails. Their marg is not my favorite cocktail in their line up and there are a lot of other ready-to-drink margaritas that I like better.

If you want to try the Cutwater Tequila margarita or any of the other Cutwater canned cocktails, you can order them online here:

Order the Cutwater Spirits Tequila Margarita here >>

 Or if you want to check out which premade margaritas I do like, check out my post all about my favorite margs here:

Until next week cocktail lovers, Cheers! 

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canned cocktail review cutwater spirits margarita Ready-to-drink cocktail review tequila cocktails

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  • This cocktails do not have 2 shots of tequila in a can,some cans do not have tequila, they just taste like lemonade.

    LIZ COST on
  • No content is provided of ingredients.

    Vicki Preissner on

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