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vodka cocktails

vodka cocktails

Canned cocktail review: Candid Cocktails (part 2)

" . . . enjoy a light cocktail without having to sacrifice on the booziness or flavor." 
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Canned cocktail review: Candid Cocktails (Part 1)

. . . with all the social distancing I couldn't help myself and I just had to try the pretty Candid Cocktail cans this week a la #treatyoself
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I'm trying two more canned cocktails from Two Chicks this week

" . . . This is a super legit cocktail with a unique flavor combo that just happens to be in the convenience of a can."
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Cocktail mix review:
Owen's Craft Mixers (Part 2)

" . . . I'm nervous about this one. Tonic water and grapefruit are not my favorite flavors."
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Cocktail mix review: Brothers Reserve Peppermint Martini

" . . .how is this different than just adding a splash of peppermint schnapps to your cocktail. Obviously I had to buy it to find out."
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