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tequila cocktails

tequila cocktails

Canned Cocktail Review: Five Drinks Co Paloma

" . . . I did notice that one of the ingredients is grapefruit soda which is a little different than a traditional Paloma."
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Canned Cocktail Review: Curatif Tommy's Margarita

" . . . I'm not sure how Tommy did this but I really want to be his friend."
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Ready-to-drink cocktail review: Crafthouse Cocktails (Part 3)

" . . . Each one alone is the best! And together this brand is just on another level."
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Canned Cocktail Review: 'Merican Mule (Part 2)

" . . . Spoiler alert: one of these was a sleeper hit for me and my friends"
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I'm trying two more canned cocktails from Two Chicks this week

" . . . This is a super legit cocktail with a unique flavor combo that just happens to be in the convenience of a can."
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