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Canned coffee cocktail review: Mad Bean Co

Posted by Jaime Fowler on

Mad Bean Co coffee canned cocktails reviewed by The Pursuit of Cocktails

I'm always up for a boozy coffee drink   

This week I'm so excited to be trying another coffee canned cocktail. So far I've only run across one other ready-to-drink coffee cocktail and I'm a huge fan of that one - I'm looking at you Cafe Agave. If you missed my review of their Spiked Cold Brews you can catch up here and here

So when the folks at Mad Bean Co offered to send me their coffee cocktail I jumped at the chance. I get a ton of questions asking for a good coffee cocktail recommendation so I feel obligated to try them *all*. LOL

One of the first things I noticed about the Mad Bean Co canned cocktails was that it is a malt beverage - which means it is made more like a beer than a cocktail and doesn't contain any actual liquor. This is a bit of a red flag for me but I've had a few other malt beverages surprise me and I'm always up to try a cocktail so let's dig in.

Mad Bean Co Mocha Iced Coffee:

Overall score:

2 out of 5
One shaker = not sweet at all // Five shakers = your teeth may curl
2 out of 5
Booziness: 4.5% ABV
One shaker = does this have booze? Five shakers = Four Lokos 4 out of 5 cocktail shakers 
2 out of 5

Mochas are always my go-to coffee drink so naturally I tried this one first. This cocktail was less creamy than I was expecting which makes sense in retrospect since these are "iced coffees." I was thinking it would be a little more like a latte but actually it's like an iced coffee with a little bit of sweetness. 

The flavor reminds me of a coffee flavored energy drink rather than an actual coffee. It tastes more like a liquid flavored to be coffee than coffee itself and I didn't pick up on the mocha flavor at all. It's not bad, it's just not what I'm used to. I am a full fledge coffee snob at this point in my life so this cocktail isn't for me but I can see how I would have liked this when I was in my twenties before I became a hipster about my coffee and cocktails.

Mad Bean Co Vanilla Iced Coffee:

Overall score:

3 out of 5
One shaker = not sweet at all // Five shakers = your teeth may curl
2 out of 5
Booziness:  4.5% ABV
One shaker = does this have booze? Five shakers = Four Lokos 4 out of 5 cocktail shakers 
2 out of 5

The Vanilla Iced Coffee faired slightly better for me. The flavor tasted a little bit better than the mocha for me though I'm not sure that I got any vanilla. Similar to the Mad Bean Co Mocha, this is an okay coffee-flavored cocktail. I guess I've gotten a little more high brow than I realized.  😳

Would I buy these again? 

Probably not. While I love a coffee cocktail, malt beverage ready-to-drink cocktails are not my favorite. There are so many pre-made cocktails on the market right now using actual liquor and I really prefer those. However, if you aren't a huge coffee drinker and you enjoy those coffee energy drinks, you should definitely give these a try. They are like those energy drinks but with booze.

Use this link find Mad Bean Co in your area:

Have you tried Mad Bean Co coffee canned cocktails? What did you think? I'd love to hear from you in the comments section. The more opinions the better! Let's "drink together" and share our cocktail stories. 


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canned cocktail review coffee cocktails Ready-to-drink cocktail review

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  • I will never buy these again after I tasted the Pabst Blue Ribbon hard coffee. No comparison, Pabst (surpringly) wins hands down!

    Nicole on

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