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All the ready-to-drink cocktails we tried in 2019 + our very favorites

Posted by Jaime Fowler on

Best ready-to-drink cocktails of 2019 from The Pursuit of Cocktails

We tried a whole lotta cocktails this year!

Canned cocktails took the world by storm this year *cough* White Claw *cough*. While we didn't love everything we tried, we had a damn good time doing it. And in the spirit of end-of-the-year round-ups, I've gathered a list of everything we tried in 2019.

The Favorites

In no particular order:

The Full Lineup

In no particular order:

Well that's it for this year. We came, we saw, we tried it.

I wanted to give you a huge THANK YOU for all the support and love you've given me and this blog over the past year. I can't believe how many different cocktails I was able to try this year, how much more I know about cocktails, the fact that I know what time of day the perfect lighting hits the kitchen in the home I moved into in the Spring. It's been a crazy ride for me personally (not all in a good way) and I'm happy to see this year come to a close. I can't wait to see what cocktails I find for 2020. 

Before you go, do you have a ready-to-drink cocktail or cocktail mix the you just LOVE? Let me know in the comments so I can pick it up to try for the blog.


canned cocktail review Ready-to-drink cocktail review

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